What's the size/scale of the miniatures compared to the other brands?
The miniature are heroic scale for Sci-fi and Fantasy so that it fits just right with most 28mm-32mm wargames and rgp miniatures that is out there.

For the Lovecraftian range- they are made to be a more realistic scale so that it fits in well with the most of the lovecraftian/cthulhu mythos, steampunk, or any type of miniature games, board games and RPGs that takes place in this genre.

What's with the peg?
Designing with the modelers in mind- I try to make it as easy as possible to paint and add the miniatures to other miniatures in your collection.

How would I use your minis in my collection?
Terrorized Miniatures are perfect for 28-32 mm tabletop game miniatures. They can be used to enhance the main miniature. Another very common use is you can incorporate them into any gaming terrains- enhancing your battle field with more story and flavor. Weather it be dioramas, tokens, objective markers, or just to take random funny pictures-there will be something here for you.

Do you ship internationally?
Yes! Yes I do :)
You will receive a Shipment Confirmation e-mail once your order has been packed, containing your tracking number(s). Shipping is usually the next day and the tracking number will be active within 24 hours after that.
Please note that once a tracking number has been generated for your order, I will be unable to amend that order, this includes address details.
Terrorized miniatures is not responsible for any customs and taxes applied to your order. All fees imposed during or after shipping are the responsibility of the customer (tariffs, taxes, etc.).
Shipping charges are not refundable if the parcel is returned to the sender.

Errors, items broken, etc
There's a mistake in your shipment / This is not what you ordered / There's a piece that's broken / missing?
No worries, we'll fix it! Please send us an E-mail telling us what the issue with the order is and photos of said issue if applicable to Info@terrorizedminiatures.com

I never got my shipment!
If you live outside South East Asia, be aware that sometimes, packages can be held up at customs for a while. This is something over which unfortunately we have no control. Also, if your order contains items out of stock, then your order may not have shipped yet (I will contact you if this is the case). Your order normally ships only when ALL the items are available for shipment. If you cannot wait, the best solution is to order separately available and delayed availability items (like items in pre-order). Of course, that means that you will have to pay shipping charges for each order.
If you had your order shipped using Regular Shipping and haven't received it after 30 days from the ship date, fill this form and we will gladly reship it free of charge.
My question was not answered on this FAQ
Contact me at info@terrorizedminiatures.com, we'll be happy to help!