
Hello my name is Win Eiam-Ong and I've been in love with sculpting, painting models and miniatures for over 28 years (and a little bit more- just don't want to admit my age). Through out that time, I've won a fair few global competitions in not just miniatures but scale models, and gunpla (GBWC) as well. Crafting diorama is something that I've always enjoy doing.

I'm sure that most if not all of us who are involved in this awesome hobby- will have the passing thought of "how cool would it be if I have my own miniature company..."

So in short- Terrorized Miniatures came about from a "f#ck it! Let's see what happens" moment after that thought.

I love to celebrate the mundane and the ordinary, but on the other hand - heroic warriors, TERRIFYING monsters, and DREADFUL DARK LORDS are just EPIC and a half! Thus the idea of having everyday civilians as base/miniature accessories to contrast and elevate the awesomeness of the main miniatures is born. This acts as a tool for you to tell little stories with every miniature or unit- mini dioramas if you will. So I aim to make high quality miniatures that adds an element of horror, humor, and story telling to any miniature collection or other artistic whims that you may have.
If you want to know anything else please feel free to contact me-

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